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Frequently asked questions

Brief answers to some common questions.

  • What is eschatology?
    Eschatology refers to the study of last things.
  • What do you mean by “end of the world”?
    Historically, the end of the world has been subject to varied interpretations. CAE thus pursues a broad range of objectives, from the familiar “end of the world as we know it” to the winking out of all existence. These include, in ascending order of magnitude: - Global catastrophe - Human extinction - Extinction of the biosphere - Planetary destruction - Solar system- or galactic-scale destruction - Cosmic end While CAE pursues pragmatic approaches to any and all of these, we favor methods that produce the most rapid and equitably distributed results.
  • What is a global catastrophe?
    Any event that significantly harms human well-being or civilization on a global scale constitutes a global catastrophe.
  • What is existential risk?
    According to philosopher Nick Bostrom, an existential risk “threatens the premature extinction of Earth-originating intelligent life or the permanent and drastic destruction of its potential for desirable future development.” Nick Bostrom, “Existential Risk Prevention as Global Priority: Existential Risk Prevention as Global Priority,” Global Policy 4, no. 1 (February 2013): 15–31.
  • Why do you want to end the world?
    CAE is devoted to practical, pragmatic solutions. We’re interested in the how, not the why.
  • Are you terrorists?
    No. CAE is a non-partisan institution. While we are willing to partner with those who share our objectives, terrorists are partisan by definition, and typically seek the preservation or dominance of their own group and the destruction or submission of one or more other groups. They are thus opposed to CAE’s stated commitment to equitable distribution of outcomes. Lastly, terrorism is illegal by definition. CAE works within existing legal systems and frameworks, in collaboration with governments agencies and policy-makers.
  • Are you affiliated with a religious group?
    No. CAE is a secular and agnostic institution. We are willing to partner with those who share our objectives, but religious organizations’ concern with eschatology is not only supernatural but also typically partisan—that is, they tend to favor certain groups over others in the sequence of last things. They are thus opposed to CAE’s stated value of equitable distribution of outcomes.
  • Are you nihilists?
    No. The CAE and its partners are composed of a diverse range of people of different backgrounds, cultures, and philosophies drawn together in passionate pursuit of a common task and bound by a set of core values.
  • How can I help?
    You are surely helping already. But if you’d like to help more directly, please click on the “donate” link to support our work. If you’d like to join our team or partner with CAE, please contact us through the Contact link.
  • Are you anti-natalists, negative utilitarians, misanthropes, eco-radicals, or [insert other philosophical or political group or position]?"
    No. Such groups are motivated by deeply held political, religious, spiritual, and/or philosophical beliefs. CAE is a non-partisan, secular organization. While we recognize the value of philosophy, we are a pragmatic and results-driven organization. The philosophical values of our members and affiliates certainly vary, but our purpose is singular. For more information on our values please see our About page.

* See blog entries that pursue some of these matters in greater depth. 

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